Официалният Английски правителствен сайт е публикувал страничните реакции от ваксината Pfizer!
Всички предоставени ваксини до този момент, застрашават вашият живот и здраве! ! !
Вкарайте си отровата с Pfizer, a не с Astra или с други думи, не по врат, а по шия!
UK Government Report.
Pfizer vaccine adverse reactions
Execution date: March 4, 2021
* Blood disorders: 2,033
* Cardiac disorders: 1,032
* Congenital disorders: 3
* Hearing disorders: 713
* Endocrine disorders: 10
* Eye disorders: 1,242 (12 blinds)
* Gastrointestinal disorders: 9,360
* General disorders: 26,391
* Liver disorders: 17
* Immune system disorders: 466
* Infections: 1,863
* Injuries: 393
* Continued Investigations: 965
* Metabolic disorders: 525
* Muscle-tissue disorders: 11,565
* Neoplasms: 20
* Nervous System Disorders: 16,107
* Associated with pregnancy: 29
* Psychiatric disorders: 1,235
* Renal / urinary disorder: 187
* Syst. Reproductive: 338
* Respiratory disorders: 3,575
* Skin disorder: 6,042
* Vascular disorders: 992
* Dead: 212
* Medical and Surgical Procedures: 45
* https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/coronavirus-covid-19-vaccine-adverse-reactions
🚩What's disturbing is this is a weekly report😳
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